As I have been taking fashion photographs for our website, my doubting voice whispers, “What Are You Friggin’ Doing? Who in the world will be purchasing fashions during this time of so much uncertainty?” You have to admit that it is a bold move on our part! Then I began to think, “When was the last time I got gussied up?” I decided right then, and there, I would rise to the challenge. I pulled some things out of my joy-filled closet that shouted, “Optimism and Excitement for what is to come.” I adorned myself in a new dress, some funky leggings and my favorite dangly earrings. It was great fun, and Girlfriend, it made me feel good. You know the saying “dance like no one is looking?” I say “Dress like no one is looking”! We deserve to feel special every day.

Just ask our shop dog, Tilly.