About Us

We like to think of ourselves as FASHIONISTAS!

Vicki Kinsel, a physician, and Diana Jamison, a social worker, are doing what? Yes, we are opening an online store for women! How in the world did this come about, you may ask? During this time of a changing world, we too are asking the same question! Indeed, we are engaging in a bold venture.

Over the past few years, we have been buying partners with Sallie Dashiell, the owner of Pearl Boutique in Kilmarnock. Just before the COVID 19 pandemic reach the United States, we had decided that we would stretch our wings, venture out, and open up our own boutique shop. Then, Boom! Everything shut down, and the future of retail became a big uncertainty. In the face of not knowing how the market place will respond, we decided to wait on the brick and mortar store, and instead build and host When Ordinary Won’t Do, an online Women’s Boutique. Since making this decision, we have had many First Time Experiences, all of which have caused us to tickle our resilience gene. With the help of our webmaster, Carter Bonner, our attorney, Frank Burke, and all our cheerleaders (you know who you are), we are launching our store.

We will be adding merchandise on a daily basis for a while. From time to time, you will see seasonal updates. Our vision is to go green and support women’s cottage industries whenever and however we can. Stay tuned for these updates as well.

We always want to hear from you by online order, phone, or email. We want our store to be as interactive as possible. You can reach us at:

Photo – Meet Shop Dogs, Tilly and General


76 South Main
Kilmarnock, VA


804 577 4466
